ANALYZE DISTRIBUTION This is one of Grades unique feature. After you enter all the exams results into the program you can ask Grades to analyze the class distribution to obtain a "Ranking List" or a "Graph" representation of the class.   Ranking List   Closes the current Data file. The ranking list can be sorted in a number of ways:   Click on any item on the window and click "OK" to sort the Ranking list accordingly. Click on the "Default" button to sort the list by "Last name". Graph   The Graph window gives you a bar/percentage representation of the class distribution. Here you can modify the letter grade scale by shifting the "bell curve" to the right or to the left by clicking the Up or Down buttons.   Click this button x number of times to shift the class distribution to the right. One click represents one point. The Offset factor is shown on the "Bell" window.   You might want to do this if you perceive that the distribution of the class has a higher than average percentage of high grades (A+,B,etc..). After shifting the curve all letter grades are automatically recalculated.   Click this button x number of times to shift the class distribution to the left. One click represents one point. The Offset factor is shown on the "Bell" window.   You might want to do this if you perceive that the distribution of the class has a lower than average percentage of high grades (F,D,etc..). After shifting the curve all letter grades are automatically recalculated.   Click this button to position the curve to its default setting.